
Healthy Juicer Review & Giveaway - closed

There's no doubt about it, fresh fruits and vegetables are good for you. I recently started looking into the Gerson Therapy which is an alternative cancer therapy. The Gerson Therapy uses organic foods, juicing, detoxification, and natural supplements to activate the body's ability to heal itself. Juicing is the main component of the therapy, you drink 13+ glasses of fresh juice per day! Between researching the Gerson Therapy and watching Crazy Sexy Cancer I decided that I was going to turn towards some alternative therapies to hopefully keep my cancer at bay. Not only will it help my body keep cancer away there is research that shows it will help prevent diabetes, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, and allergies.

So where do you begin? There are a ton of juicers out there. The main goal is to preserve as many enzymes and nutrients that you can. Because heat destroys some of these important enzymes centrifugal juicers are not recommended. 

I was recently given the chance to try out the Healthy Juicer which is a manual juicer specifically made for wheatgrass and leafy greens. Because it's manual it produces virtually no heat, so you can be sure you are getting the optimum enzymes and nutrients. 

I tested the Healthy Juicer with some organic spinach.

Ease of use: The Healthy Juicer was extremely easy to put together! The instructions were very thorough and I only had to glance over them once. Since this is a manual juicer it does take more effort than an electric juicer, but it juices leafy greens with minimal effort. 
Cleaning the Healthy Juicer is also a breeze. Everything comes apart for easy cleaning. It only took about 5-10 minutes after juicing to clean the entire juicer.
This juicer is compact so storing is really easy which is great!

Value: This juicer cots $44.95 which is a great value compared to most other manual juicers. I've seen manual wheatgrass juicers for $100+. I'd much rather spend $44.95, wouldn't you?
They also have an electric Healthy Juicer for $149.95 which also juices wheatgrass and leafy greens, but also juices fruits, has pasta making attachments, and can make frozen desserts. 
End result: This juicer definitely extracts most of the juice from the veggies you put into it! The crushed spinach (pictured right) was pretty dry, which means all of the juice was extracted (pictured left) and drank by my husband and I.

Buy It: Visit Healthy Juicer or http://www.877myjuicer.com to purchase!

Win It: Healthy Juicer and http://www.877myjuicer.com are generously sponsoring a giveaway of one of the same Healthy Juicers that I tried out to one of our readers!

Rules: You must complete the mandatory entry for your additional entries to be valid. Please leave one separate comment for each entry (ie: if you get 2 entries then leave 2 separate comments, it's easier on me when counting). Please make sure you leave your email address so I have a way to contact you if you win!
Mandatory Entry 
 (must be completed for your additional entries to be valid)
Visit Healthy Juicer and tell me something you learned about their products, juicing, or wheatgrass! 
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Tweet about this giveaway: "Win a Healthy Juicer for wheatgrass & greens @lepetitowlet http://ow.ly/1aEY3   "(one tweet per day, please leave a permalink)

Contest is open until 11:59pm on March 5th, 2010. Winner will be announced on March 2nd, 2010. Winner will be chosen randomly via Random.org.

Good luck!

Disclaimer: I did not receive payment in any form for this review.
I did receive a sample of the product or service for testing and review purposes. This will in no way sway my opinion of the product or service.The review is in my own words and is my own opinion. Your results and opinion may differ.



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WendyOtt said...

I learned that the Healthy Juicer eliminates all of the excess waste pulp by neatly expelling it out of the front of the end cap into a separate bowl for easy disposal.

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Sandra said...

Following you on twitter. twitter.com/LingXei

Juicing is a healthy way to get the group of nutrients, known as enzymes that is critical for most of the metabolic activity in our body.

Jessica said...

I learned that wheatgrass contains more protein per ounce than beef.

Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

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Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

TheGirl said...

I learned that a tomato has Vitamin A, Vitamin C and over 10,000 chemicals in it!

dosergirl at gmail dot com


Ida Mae said...

I learned that fruit juices are a good source of essential minerals like iron, copper, potassium, sodium, iodine, and magnesium, which are bound by the plant in a form that is most easily assimilated during digestion.

I didn't realize that all those minerals were in fruits!

ida_mai at hotmail.com

Ida Mae said...

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ida_mai at hotmail.com

A Baby Peach said...

OMG I would LOVE this!!! I was just reading about juicing as well for my blood disorder and I was reading on their site about enzymes and how they help at the cellular level and stuff...definitely need that!


A Baby Peach said...

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Annie Valentine said...

I learned that there is a kit available to grow your own wheat grass!

valentinescarlet at yahoo dot com

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kristin said...

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kristin said...

I learned that juicing wheat grass can lead to crazy energy!

Baby For Ballerina said...

I learned that wheatgrass has so many amazing benefits: boosting the immune system, cleansing the colon, detoxifying the liver, and so much more. I will definitely be consuming wheatgrass from now on!


Baby For Ballerina said...

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Baby For Ballerina said...

I commented on your post about the must haves for new moms (re: the Moby wrap) :)


Christina's Cookies said...

I learned that Wheatgrass (which I had never even heard of before lol!) contains more protein per once than beef, which is great for me because I try to avoid red meats!
I didn't see it mentioned but I wonder if it is pretty high in iron? I'm sure it is!

On a side note- does anyone know it the juicer is BPA-free? I couldn't find anything about it either way on the site. . . ?


Christina's Cookies said...

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Christina's Cookies said...

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Jessica said...


Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

jwoodbri said...

I learned that I should have been eating more grapes... they protect cells' DNA from damage.

JessWoodbridge at yahoo.com

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JessWoodbridge at yahoo.com

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JessWoodbridge at yahoo.com

WendyOtt said...

Posted a tweet @WendyLoreen about this giveaway today (2/25) :)

Chandelle said...

I learned that the phytochemicals that researchers have uncovered are changing the way we think about food

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Jen M said...

I learned that this juicer works better by crushing instead of shredding veggies.

Jen M said...

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Jessica said...


Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

sheila said...

Well, the juicer itself is a sweet little thing. I always thought juicers were big and bulky. I always wanted one...but the money fizzled out. lol.

Okay, I learned...that a tomato has 10,000 chemicals in it? Serious? OMG. I'm assuming these are some sort of good chemicals? I have to research this that is wild!

sheila said...

I follow you through GFC! Whooo Hooo!

sheila said...

How nice! I just saw I get an entry for commenting on your life thoughts post about college and money. Yea!

OH! btw, I'm over from Mom Bloggers Club organic mommy! I saw your post on there about the juicer!

WendyOtt said...

Posted a tweet @WendyLoreen about this giveaway today (2/26) :)

Jessica said...


Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

WendyOtt said...

Posted a tweet @WendyLoreen about this giveaway today (2/27) :)

Annie Valentine said...


valentinescarlet at yahoo dot com

dawns41 said...

Here is what I learned:
Citrus fruits have substances that make it easier for your body to remove carcinogens, thus decreasing the chance of contracting cancer. Grapes contain a phytochemical that appears to protect each cells' DNA from damage. Similarly, a number of green vegetables contain phytochemicals that appear to offer protection against cancer-causing substances. The list goes on and on: bok choy, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, rutabaga, turnip greens, red beets, peppers, garlic, onions, leeks, and chives are but a few of the vegetables that appear to have cancer-preventing phytochemicals


Missybeez said...

I learned that when drinking wheatgrass you Experience less colds as your resistance to infection increases.


wheatgrass contains more protein per ounce than beef

Audra said...

I learned that, unlike other juicers, this juicer produces no heat which keeps the beneficial enzymes from being destroyed. Very cool.

Audra said...

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HilLesha O'Nan said...

Plant chemicals, known as phytochemicals, are the cutting edge of nutritional research because they hold the keys to preventing some of our most deadly diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, as well as some of our most common, like asthma, arthritis, and allergies.


Audra said...

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Audra said...

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Audra said...

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Mysharona said...

I learned that a tomato has Vitamin A, Vitamin C and over 10,000 chemicals in it.

WendyOtt said...

Posted a tweet @WendyLoreen about this giveaway today (2/28) :)

Jessica said...


Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

EDRing said...

I learned that plant chemicals, known as phytochemicals, are the cutting edge of nutritional research because they hold the keys to preventing some of our most deadly diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, as well as some of our most common, like asthma, arthritis, and allergies.


scooter7018 said...

i did not know people actually drank wheat juice

Jessica said...

I learned that healthy enzymes in fruits and vegetable are destroyed at 114 degrees. This juicer is great in that because it isn't mechanical, it doesn't reach the high speeds of mechanical juicers. These high speeds can cause friction that destroy good for you enzymes!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

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llinda29 said...

Why should I drink wheatgrass juice?

Growing and juicing your own wheat sprouts is not only decorative and fun, but also highly nutritional. Wheatgrass is full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The juice has many health benefits due to the high concentration of chlorophyll, Vitamins B-12, B-6, K & C, and beta-carotene.

Tracey said...

The Healthyjuicer is covered by a limited one year warranty against defects in material and workmanship from the date of original purchase.

Jessica said...


Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

LobotoME said...

my juicer just bit the dust so i need a new one for my daily green juice! i like how this one secures onto the counter...seems like a manageable size in terms of storage! j ;)

Jessica said...

3/1 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

julis55 said...

I learned that fruit juices are a good source of essential minerals like iron, copper, potassium, sodium, iodine, and magnesium, which are bound by the plant in a form that is most easily assimilated during digestion

Erin E said...

I did not know that juicing removes the indigestible fiber. That is really interesting to me and a good thing to know. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.

Erin E said...

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David Johnson said...

I learned that wheatgrass juice has a high concentration of chlorophyll, Vitamins B-12, B-6, K & C, and beta-carotene, thanks.

Jessica said...


Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

Jenn S. said...

I learned that " since juicing removes the indigestible fiber, nutrients are available to the body in much larger quantities than if the piece of fruit or vegetable was eaten whole".

Lyudmila said...

Easy to Clean

Lyudmila said...


WendyOtt said...

Posted a tweet @WendyLoreen about this giveaway today (3/2) :)

h. mcnaron said...

wheatgrass is a good source of protein and it's better to get vitamins from the fruits and veggies themselves because it's easier for the body to absorb that way.

h. mcnaron said...

i follow you on google friend connect. h mcnaron.

Trina said...

I learned that Fresh juices are a tremendous source of enzymes. In fact, the "freshness" of juice is one of their key features, because enzymes are destroyed by heat. When you eat cooked foods, whether its meal, grains, fruits, or vegetables, if the food is cooked at temperatures above 114 degrees, the enzymes have been destroyed by the heat.

Jessica said...

3/3 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

YogaMama said...

I learned that wheatgrass has long been used like a herbal medicine ~ for its therapeutic and nutritional properties. Although wheat is the most popular, barley, oats and rye are equally potent.

foreversuperstar at hotmail dot com

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YogaMama said...

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foreversuperstar at hotmail dot com

Jessica said...


Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

chromiumman said...

i learned that wheatgrass juice has a high concentration of chlorophyll, Vitamins B-12, B-6, K & C, and beta-carotene

chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com

SamanthaPayntr said...

i didn't know that nutrients get trapped in the indigestible fibers, and juicing breaks down the fibers so your body can easily absorb the nutrients, that's cool!

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WendyOtt said...

Posted a tweet @WendyLoreen about this giveaway today (3/3) :)

Anonymous said...

The juicer eliminates the excess pulp which is a good thing as I'm not a pulp person...apart from Pulp Fiction...enjoyed that movie. :)

Jessica said...


Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I learned that we do not eat nearly enough vegetables or fruit on any given day to reap the many benefits they provide. One such benefit is that citrus fruits have substances that make it easier for your body to remove carcinogens, thus decreasing the chance of contracting cancer.

Lala77 said...

I learned that consuming wheat grass leads to a tangible energy boost.

Daniel M said...

i learned wheatgrass juice has a high concentration of chlorophyll, vitamins b-12 b-6 k c beta-carotene, never know dat - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Audra said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/chicagoaudra/status/9991726387

Janette said...

The Healthyjuicer produces virtually no heat as opposed to centrifugal juicers in which the high speed causes friction which in turn produces heat.

Janette said...

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HomemadeBaby said...

I didn't realize that centrifugal juicers were destroying a lot of precious enzymes! I would love to start juicing, especially since we do a CSA (farm share) in the summer.

HomemadeBaby said...

I am a follower of Le Petit Owlet publicly via Google Friend Connect :)

k-team said...

I learned that wheatgrass detoxifies the liver. Thanks!

Christina said...

Christina - xristya@rock.com - I learned that Wheatgrass helps the immune system and detoxifies the liver. I tried some years ago and didn't like it but would be willing to try it again because of its superb qualities.

Jessica said...

3/4 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

WendyOtt said...

Posted a tweet @WendyLoreen about this giveaway today (3/4) :)

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

I learned that Wheatgrass is an excellent source of protein and that there is a kit available so you can grow it at home.

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

Feed subscriber via Google Reader

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Hotsnotty2 said...

I learned that uicing is a healthy way to get the group of nutrients, known as enzymes that is critical for most of the metabolic activity in our body, thanks!


SolDucky said...

Sweet. I didn't know much about wheatgrass, but I learned that it contains more protein per once than beef. That is so cool!

SolDucky said...

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Jinxy and Me said...

I learned Fresh juices are a tremendous source of enzymes

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following your blog in Google Friend Connect.

Jinxy and Me said...

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taylorbagels said...

I learned that they extend a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

taylorbagels said...

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vegan4life said...

that wheatgrass has more protein than beef ty.

Jessica said...

3/5 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Wheatgrass is full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The juice has many health benefits due to the high concentration of chlorophyll, Vitamins B-12, B-6, K & C, and beta-carotene. Thanks.


Unknown said...

Juicing helps fight cancer

Jessica said...


Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com

Unknown said...

juicing helps fight cancer.thanks

Barbarawr said...

I learned that The Healthyjuicer produces virtually no heat as opposed to centrifugal juicers in which the high speed causes friction which in turn produces heat.

Barbarawr said...

I follow lepetitowlet on twitter - bsw529

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I Became a fan of Le Petit Owlet on Facebook - barbara wright

Pip444 said...

I learned that regardless of your illness juicing with have a positive effect on your body.

Heather said...

I learned that fruits are a good source of essential minerals.

rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com

Tylerpants said...

I learned that since juicing removes indigestible fiber, the nutrients are available to the body in much larger quantities than if the piece of fruit or vegetable was eaten whole! tylerpants(at)gmail.com

Tylerpants said...

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Smooshy said...

this juicer doesn't produce heat which keeps the beneficial enzymes from being destroyed!

Unknown said...

I learned healthyjuicer produces virtually no heat unlike normal juicers.


Unknown said...

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trixx said...

I learned that since fruits and vegetables are juiced raw, the enzymes are still viable when you drink the juice.

trixx said...

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Kathy P said...

Wheatgrass Contains 97 enzymes, vitamins, phytochemicals and minerals made famous in the US by Dr. Ann Wigmore in treatment of cancer

Kathy P said...

following on twitter klp1965

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Kathy P said...


Brandi said...

Wheat grass gives you energy!


Maja said...

A tomato has Vitamin A, Vitamin C and over 10,000 chemicals in it.

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