
Oh hello there, blog.

Every day I get to see new little miracles. This little dude is seriously the most amazing person I have ever met. We're going on 13 months here soon and every day is filled with new excitement and milestones.
I sure did luck out in the teething department! Eli was sitting on the floor and leaning against our bed with his head tilted back laughing and I saw MOLARS! I had no clue that he was even teething at all. I have always heard that teething for molars is the worst and I was kind of nervous about that, but it just happened and I had no idea that it was even happening at all. He did have a fever for a few days, maybe that had something to do with it, but I'll take it!

Friday I have a CT scan coming up. I'm pretty nervous about it, though hiding it pretty well (I think I am, anyway). I've been having these weird sharp pains and my brain automatically goes straight to "you have cancer". I honestly feel like a little part of me is going to always think that way now, unfortunately. I'm remaining positive, but those thoughts will still occur. I'm positive in the sense that I know I have a lot of life left to live, so no matter what happens, I'm not going anywhere. It would be nice to not have anymore road blocks though, so cross your fingers that cancer never comes back.

I'm currently in the process of looking for an apartment for Eli and I. It's really hard to say the least. I would prefer a house to rent, but they are expensive. I need a lot of space too. I need to have a designated sewing area that isn't in a common area because there are lots of not baby safe things hanging around and it's frequently a mess, especially when I've been working a lot (and I'm going to have to start working a lot). My budget is not a lot, so I really have some searching to do. Unfortunately there's a lot of crap going on in between in this area. I was informed by my ex that he will not help with move in costs or co-signing, even though I have no money and I need a co-signer.  So that's something I am going to have to fight for.

I have to run right now because Eli is all over the place, including on my computer, and we need to eat lunch!


Jennifer Miller said...

He is so adorable! Good luck with the CT, the test will come back negative and you will just have to blame the pains on motherhood madness. :)

Jennifer Miller said...

He is so adorable! Good luck with the CT, the test will come back negative and you will just have to blame the pains on motherhood madness. :)

Unknown said...

Re the apartment...my best friend is a real estate agent here in Austin. She is great to work with and I know she has found rentals for single moms before. Plus, she does all the searching for you and it's free! Just tell her what you need, your budget etc... My husband and I used her to buy our house which was tricky b/c we are small business owners like you and struggled to qualify. Her website is http://findrealaustin.com/ . Let me know if you need more info. It's just so much easier to let someone else to the legwork....

♥ Sarah @ FFP ♥ said...

Good luck on finding a nice place. We had to settle for a craptastic, old house. But it is okay, we are together and happy.

I just wanted to let you know I have an award waiting for you at my blog. Enjoy! ^_^

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